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The Early Learning Coalition Boynton Beach team will be serving the community remotely on Tuesday, November 5th due to election activities in the building.

Our office hours will resume on Wednesday, November 6th.

Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County
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What You Need to Know About VPK FAST

If your child is in Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) this year, you may be curious as to what your child will learn and encounter in their program. One important component of a child’s VPK experience is the VPK FAST (Florida Assessment for Student Thinking) assessment. The FAST assessment will help ensure that your child is on the right path to a successful start in school and is used to help educators determine a child’s knowledge and skills. Some areas that are measured are phonological awareness, letter recognition, and vocabulary. The FAST is given at the beginning, mid-point and end of the year to assist early educators in understanding your child and their growth towards kindergarten. 

There are easy ways to help your child feed prepared. One of these is simply to read aloud together every day. Ask your child questions about the stories and choose a variety of books that will introduce them to different words and topics.

Help your child learn to recognize letters by pointing them out on signs and items around the house and neighborhood. Sing songs together that involve rhyming and play games such as “I Spy.”

Most likely, your child’s assessment will take place on a tablet. You can have your child practice navigating how to press buttons and swipe on a tablet at home, or by helping them learn how to type on a keyboard and click with a mouse. Rest assured that their teacher there to assist with technology when they are in their VPK program.

Keep your child on their consistent daily routine, ensuring they are following regular times for sleep, meals, and playtime. When a child is well-rested and knows what to expect from their day, they will be more likely to perform their best.

More likely than not, your child will not even know they are being assessed that day- they may just come home excited that they got to play a game. Celebrate their excitement, rather than focusing on what questions they were asked or how they responded.

If your child does feel nervous, listen to their concerns, and reassure them that this is a special way for their teachers to know how to help them learn.

What to Do with Assessment Results

  • Your child’s VPK program will share results with you. When you receive your child’s results, take the time to review them and ask questions. Their VPK program will be able to best explain your child’s strengths and where they may need additional support.

  • Continue to support your child’s learning by reading at home, sticking with routines, and completing any activities that your teacher may send home with your child.

  • Keep learning fun! Incorporate math and literacy into everyday routines when you can and continue to celebrate your child’s achievements.

Preparing your child (and yourself) for the VPK FAST assessment can be simple. The goal of VPK is to ensure your child is ready for the exciting journey kindergarten journey, and that this assessment will help them excel. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s assessment, don’t hesitate to reach out to their teacher or director. You can also call the Coalition at 561-514-3300 for additional resources or visit https://www.elcpalmbeach.org/vpk-families. Here’s to a great experience in VPK for you and your family!

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