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The Early Learning Coalition Boynton Beach team will be serving the community remotely on Tuesday, November 5th due to election activities in the building.

Our office hours will resume on Wednesday, November 6th.

Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County
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Preventing the Winter Slide: Keep Learning Over the Holidays

Much like summer vacation, kids can suddenly have a lot of free time on their hands during the winter break from school. This is a good thing- kids, just like adults, deserve downtime and an opportunity to rest, relax, play, and hang out with friends- without worrying about an early alarm clock or homework. How to help children maintain that balance of relaxation and keeping their minds active? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Learning can look different over the winter break! Instead of working at a computer or textbook, learning can take place though conversations, outdoor activities, and connecting with friends and family. Just because a child might not be actively sitting at a desk doesn’t mean they’re not constantly absorbing and learning during different family activities.

  • Learning activities don’t have to be long- in fact, they can be as brief as 15 minutes a day! Anything that gets a child’s mind turning, such as taking a trip to a local library or park or helping with cooking or around the house can turn their real world into a mini classroom.

  • To keep kids learning without winding them up, try winding down. Read together or color as a family, listen to music, or simply get outside. Soothing, sensory input can do wonders for relaxing the brain and reestablishing focus.

  • For many caregivers, work still needs to get done while the kids are home from school. Whether you work from home, or just need some time to complete basic errands, have your kids help! Kids can be eager and enthusiastic partners when it comes to chores like cleaning, going grocery shopping, or “helping” you with work. Giving kids their own projects, like helping with meals, or drawing pictures for you to display on your desk, can help them be involved and included.

When giving children opportunities to learn in a setting outside of school, we can show them that learning can take place everywhere, anytime! Soon enough, they’ll be back at school after the holidays refreshed, and ready to go back to their normal schedules with a focused and energetic mind.

For more activities, visit the Coalition’s YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI5xCvtPbCA5uubOpWWR7LQ

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